Sunday 14 October 2012

bottle bins

wall painting

A beautiful piece of painting hanging on a wall of a building on the "Hasenheide street", in Kreuzberg, Berlin. I could not leave hanging it unnoticed on that wall so clicked it to put it here on my blog for more visitors to admire it.
I am sure you too will find this painting admirable for a reason that it's hanging out there just like that.

Friday 12 October 2012

Doha through the airplane window

A beautiful piece of architecture middle in sand! The city Doha really looks beautiful from above. The roads and the buildings look like a "Lego" game. The cars parked were covered with sand all over. The buildings have the color of sand. But amazing to see how they have still constructed so beautifully with a wonderful architecture.

Thursday 11 October 2012

spider web

The web was only visible when the sunlight fell onto it. Tremendous job done to create such a web. I was amazed to see the details and the workmanship of the spider who built it.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

paul-linke-ufer Berlin

Unusual day for October. It's windy, cold and unpleasant weather in these days of the year but we seem to have an extended summer. I saw more swans and ducks yesterday as compared to peak summer days. It's going to stay like this for some days as the weather forecast says.

I am enjoying the stay so far here because of the sunlight. Otherwise it's grey outside and winter depression takes over. Good to be here at this time of the year and relish the left over sunny days.

boots, its winter approaching

Vibrant colors in a grey winter this year.

Monday 8 October 2012

authentic India

I enjoyed taking this picture in black&white mode for a reason. It looks more authentic to my eyes. These bells hang in a shop at the IGI Airport Delhi. The shop focuses on selling traditional "Marhwaarhi culture" (Rajasthan, India) as a whole. They display a huge variety of ornaments, handicraft, fabrics, wall hangings, showpieces, and much more. They also have a beautiful corner that is meant to relax with Ayurveda messages. That would have been an experience to get a message at the Airport before taking my plane to Europe. But time is a barrier, they hadn't started at the hour when I entered and admired the place.

"Nature Spa" is how it is called middle in a busy airport. I appreciated the facility set up by the airport authorities and the Indian tourism. It gives a special Indian treatment to the foreigners who are feeling bored on a place like an airport. The boys who were leading the counter were very friendly too.

The pool in between a busy airport with the rose petals spread in it and a magnificent warm light to make one feel really lazy. There is only one choice left and that is to step into this pool and get a dose of sleep. I recalled the "Maharajas" who took their daily bath in such pools filled with Sandal essence, rose petals and face packs. I too felt like acting one of them.

I had an opportunity to do a small talk with the boys and girls working in the premises. I met with Ashish Trikha a very gentle young man, very friendly. He wanted to take away my camera because he so liked the pictures. "I am still learning to take pictures", I told him. The few minutes that I spent in the shop connected me with the ancient India. I would love to visit it next time and say "Hi" to all those familiar faces. If you get a chance don't miss to step in.


The symmetry of the chairs and the tables attracted me. Moreover I wanted to test my skills of a blurred background with a sharp object. The colors of the furniture and background synchronize with each other very well. The light in the room is warm.

I took this picture on the Indira Gandhi International Airport Delhi before my flight. It's a restaurant in the food court area. I had just had my breakfast as it was early in the morning and I was a bit hungry as it had been a long drive from home till Delhi.


One of the websites about digital photography that I follow to learn more about it has an exercise every week and this time it was to only take pictures of hands of people. I took many pictures of the the hands of people and this one really appealed my eyes.It is a great exercise to dig deep into the creative part of one's own self. 

All of sudden I started noticing all the hands that crossed my eyes. It is ironic and very nice feeling too. I enjoyed asking few strangers to just offer me their hands to be clicked. I found fractured hands, hands calculating as in the picture, hands with ornaments etc.I hope you will enjoy the picture and if you try to imagine the details of the exercise then you too are invited to try your hands on the hands of people.

spring colors with autumn colors

The flowers grow in the backyard of the flats where we live here in Berlin, Germany. I actually wanted to capture the red colored creeper leaves only  that you see in the background. And I could not resist to mix the flowers and the leaves together.

Beautiful colors of spring and autumn coming together. It's a photo I took with my freshly bought second hand tele-objective. The weather was not perfect for the click but I was eager to try taking photos with a zoom objective. It doesn't have the latest "picture stabilizers" build in it but I learn more while trying to balance both. Enjoy!