Sunday 14 October 2012

bottle bins

wall painting

A beautiful piece of painting hanging on a wall of a building on the "Hasenheide street", in Kreuzberg, Berlin. I could not leave hanging it unnoticed on that wall so clicked it to put it here on my blog for more visitors to admire it.
I am sure you too will find this painting admirable for a reason that it's hanging out there just like that.

Friday 12 October 2012

Doha through the airplane window

A beautiful piece of architecture middle in sand! The city Doha really looks beautiful from above. The roads and the buildings look like a "Lego" game. The cars parked were covered with sand all over. The buildings have the color of sand. But amazing to see how they have still constructed so beautifully with a wonderful architecture.

Thursday 11 October 2012

spider web

The web was only visible when the sunlight fell onto it. Tremendous job done to create such a web. I was amazed to see the details and the workmanship of the spider who built it.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

paul-linke-ufer Berlin

Unusual day for October. It's windy, cold and unpleasant weather in these days of the year but we seem to have an extended summer. I saw more swans and ducks yesterday as compared to peak summer days. It's going to stay like this for some days as the weather forecast says.

I am enjoying the stay so far here because of the sunlight. Otherwise it's grey outside and winter depression takes over. Good to be here at this time of the year and relish the left over sunny days.